Moving From Confusion to Clarity

When my client Edel & I began working together last fall, she KNEW that she had the potential for growth and success but couldn’t decide which was the best course of action. She was juggling different parts of her business, which had her feeling scattered and...
How To Uncover Your Hidden Gifts

How To Uncover Your Hidden Gifts

A community member of Ambitious & Creative Entrepreneurs Aligned With Soul and Making Bank asked this question about uncovering her gifts: What are my hidden gifts that I may not be using yet and how can they be called forward and put into use? To answer this...
Creating With Higher Purpose

Creating With Higher Purpose

One of the reasons I was called into business coaching is because I receive channeled business guidance. It comes to me just as easily as a message from an Angel. Today’s message is on business and creating with higher purpose, meaning, and daily commitment to...
3 Spiritual Awakenings, My Story Revealed

3 Spiritual Awakenings, My Story Revealed

I’ve just completed my 3rd spiritual awakening, this one lasted 5 years.   My first spiritual awakening happened between ages 3-5 when I started seeing spirits in the ghost town that we lived in, in Eureka Springs, Ar. In that time period, I saw the movie...