Resilience is a crucial trait for success in business. In today’s world, where uncertainties and challenges abound, it is even more important. The pandemic has changed the way we see the world and challenged our existence. With all the negativity around, it’s easy to get discouraged and let doubt control your actions, leading to undesirable results. But, as humans, we have all faced challenges and overcome them. The majority of people who have succeeded in life have turned struggles into triumphs, and resilience has been the determining factor.

As an entrepreneur, your ability to keep going, showing up, troubleshooting, and recovering is critical. It would be best to strike a balance and take care of yourself to avoid burnout. Resilience allows you to keep a full cup and create amazing results inside your company. It is the determining factor in having a successful company that grows and goes on to make millions of dollars.

Thinking, acting, and doing things differently is necessary to create different results. For example, being a musician for over 25 years taught me dedication, commitment, and the importance of practice. You get to work every day that not only improves yourself but also helps you become a better leader, supporter, and encourager of others. You get to do the work every day that helps you make more money and make a bigger difference in the world, the most rewarding thing about being an entrepreneur and business owner.

Tim Grover, Michael Jordan’s championship-era athletic trainer, taught me much more about resilience and toughness. He taught me not to let thoughts, doubts, other people’s stories, and other people’s perceptions of me drive my success, winning, and results. Resilience is a combination of sales and systems and self-development, which is the internal side of understanding who we are as human beings and what we’re capable of.

In conclusion, to build resilience in your business, you need to strike a balance, take care of yourself, keep learning and improving, and be tough mentally. The ability to keep going, showing up, troubleshooting, and recovering is critical. It is the determining factor in having a successful company that grows and goes on to make millions of dollars. Do not let what is going on in the world shape who you are. Instead, use it as a motivation to improve and overcome challenges.