Today’s post is a big debut for me, I have been running my own successful businesses since I was 18 {I’m 35 now & I’ve NEVER had a J-O-B}.  I’ve always LOVED doing business-y stuff, my own bookkeeping, scheduling clients, recruiting clients, getting paid opportunities.  The problem was that for so long I was doing these business acts I really loved, but in businesses that I eventually didn’t love… Now I LOVE what I do!!!  Combining my gifts as a Healer & Business Mentor to help women Solopreneurs create brand-new inspired, empowered & abundant realities for themselves!!!

Today, I am here to share 2 reasons that you might be feeling LACK in your business {which will always impact your life}:


  1. Your business isn’t a true reflection of the gifts you have to share.It’s a fraction of your gifts but not a FULL reflection of the Divine Being that you are.  For that reason, clients aren’t coming to you in the masses that you want.  Compartmentalization is VERY common for the female Entrepreneur who is running a Lifestyle based business, in healing, therapy, coaching or spirituality.  Compartmentalization is also VERY common for the woman who is extremely spiritual {or woo-woo} but is AFRAID to bring that aspect of herself “out of hiding”.  And why wouldn’t she be afraid??  She has been discriminated against her whole life, being subconsciously or consciously led to believe that communing with Spirit Guides, Angels and Source directly is bad or wrong.  I’m here to tell you today, that you can let your spiritual self shine.  I’m also here to tell you that if you are in a spiritually based biz – you can be grounded, real & share your troubles…. yep, you don’t have to APPEAR to be perfect.  What do have to do is create CHANGE so that you can turn your biz idea or compartmentalized business into something that really makes an IMPACT and generates income.
  2. Your Ego is Sabotaging your success.You’ve had a profitable month, you are earning income, attracting clients yet you are looking for the fear, doubt & worry.  Tell the Ego to SHUT the *eff up!!!  It has NO PLACE here.  You MUST actively raise your vibration and make the changes & choices necessary to drop the limited fear-based thinking {and actions that reflect this thinking} & step into the place of a WEALTH, HEALTH & FREEDOM mentality.  Having a profitable business, happy relationships & skin you love to live in, all work together in harmony.  Your mind & your actions can QUICKLY send you spiraling into a mess of sabotage.  The WEALTH, HEALTH & FREEDOM mindset requires actual physical action that reflects WEALTH, HEALTH & FREEDOM.

It is KEY to deal with your “issues” right when they come up.  Sometimes there is a time for waiting, like when you need a Divine download for the next program you are offering or for how you are going to create your business – you know you are supposed to do something but the HOW is not there yet.  While we “wait” for those downloads we must take action in the process.  That means connecting with others so we don’t feel alone & trapped, that means doing vibration shifting exercises, meditation, nourishment and self-care on the regular!

Are you ready to really Dive into your blocks?  Let’s have a chat!!  Setup a clarity call with me to get your business moving in a direction that feels aligned & fulfilling!

If anything in this blog post resonated with you, please share in the comments below, I LOVE getting to know new women who are ready to take their businesses & lives to the next level!