Do you seek an abundance of wealth, health, friendships, opportunities & spirituality?

I seek abundance in all of these areas of my life.  I have learned that asking for these during prayer or meditation is a positive step in the right direction.

I’ve got a few tips for you today that will help you to begin skyrocketing your process!

  1. When asking to receive your abundance, be VERY specific.  I mean, REALLY specific.  Go ahead and write out a list of your visions + dreams of abundance in all areas of your life, then bring the list into prayer time.  If you prefer meditation as your main communion time with Divine Source, do the same, create your list of visions + dreams and review it before you begin your meditation.  When you go into meditation focus on abundance in your heart center.  Close your prayer or meditation & say “THANK YOU” with a great-big SMILE on your face, really FEEL in your Soul that this has been grated for you.
  2. Spend time daily writing what you are grateful for – start a Gratitude Journal.  This is a KEY step in up-leveling your abundance.  Begin by choosing a number, 3 – 10, and that is the number of things you write daily in your journal.  Designate a specific journal for gratitude only, nothing else.  If you miss a day, no biggie!  This is a KEY step in the process because it lets the Universe & the beautiful Spiritual realm, who are supporting you every single step of your way, know what you LOVE & APPRECIATE.  So often, your mind is filled with what is going wrong that it is VERY difficult to have anything to be thankful for.  When you take this time daily, to express gratitude, you are saying “THANK YOU” for the abundance you are receiving each day.  You will notice yourself making mental notes during the day when a moment of gratitude pops up.  The process helps you to become more appreciative of the little things which in return opens you to receive more ABUNDANCE… see how it works?

Go ahead, grab some paper + a pen & write your dreams + visions for prayer.  Then grab an empty notebook or journal from around the house {or go buy a shiny new one} & begin your gratitude practice.  I promise, you’ll thank me for it!