Acting With Intention – Even When You Don’t Feel Like It!

Do you ever struggle with overthinking and perfectionism? 

You probably really care about what you do and you want to do a really great job. Sometimes that very thing can lead to feeling stress and tension. It’s like you care TOO MUCH.

Other things can happen in life too and you just get overwhelmed by it all.

And that causes stress.

Today I’m here to show you how to get back into the game, fast, and get things done, even when you don’t feel like it.

The first thing I want you to know is this:

Taking action towards your goals reduces mental tension and stress. 

There are 2 ways you can act with intention (when you don’t feel like it.

  1. Connect with your passion, your “why.” Have you ever noticed that when you plug yourself into your passion & immerse yourself in it, the world around you disappears? It’s just you and the thing you love doing. Or it’s you directing energy toward doing more of the thing you love doing. Tapping into the power of that energy helps you to get back in the game.


  2. Take action and DO THE THING that you’ve been putting off or avoiding. Drop whatever it is you’re doing to follow-up, reach out to clients and customers. This will dissipate that excess energy you are feeling immediately.

As you take action, direct your attention towards the outcome you desire, this is how you create congruent (or aligned) results.

Passion + (Consistent) Intentional Action = Results!

Challenge: Go do 1 thing that you’ve been overthinking! 

Join the New “Entrepreneurs That Sell” Facebook Group and Let me Know You Implemented the Challenge!