Hello Abundant Beauty!

I’m launching my webinar this coming Sunday and I wanted to share with you a bit of the process I’ve been going through to prepare myself. The way I used to do things was push…push…push… and that didn’t feel good… but it was how I did things for so long, so I was used to it because I didn’t know any other way.

In my current paradigm, I always know when it’s time to get intense with the work, I get deep into the process and it doesn’t feel like push.

This week it didn’t feel like that at all and I was surprised! I thought with giving one-weeks notice for an online event that I would need to go all in & my energy and spirit guides were like “no way, sister!” (o:

My week looked like this:

  • The day before the full moon I went to a local Basilica to pray, meditate and set intentions.
  • On the full moon, I set my intentions to release what no longer serves my highest path {I do this every full moon}.
  • Daily, I wrote in my manifestation journal. Every morning I wrote out any limiting beliefs that needed to come up and redirected them into positive statements.
  • I did daily magnetizing exercises for calling-in the exact women who I am meant to express my message to. This guided me for when it was time to write launch related emails, livestream on periscope, or post about my webinar on Facebook, I was really clear on where I needed to post & when. I was also very clear on where I didn’t need to spend my time posting and promoting.
  • I read a lot more than I usually do.
  • I didn’t spend much time on FB {except for mostly checking my fb ads}.
  • I wrote my daily gratitude {non-negotiable!}.
  • I meditated and made sure that my energy is super-charged, positive, clear and strong.
  • I communicated with my spirit guides and allowed myself to receive their guidance.
  • I cleared out cluttered areas in my home, threw stuff away and donated old clothes.

This is not a “launch plan” that you are going to see another business mentor post! We woo-woo women have to do things in a way that is very different from the “norm” and we have to allow ourselves to be it & own it!

The results of my process ~ connecting with an amazing group of women who are both return clients and 90% who are new to my work.  I also connected with a new potential client!

My best launch advice: be open to the flow of infinite possibility, don’t push, do magnetize!

Does this launch plan sound like something that resonates with how you want to run your business? Apply for a free consultation with me to look deeply into your own business process.