3 Key Currencies

3 Key Currencies

Today I have a special video that I would like to watch, it’s only 14 minutes long, and I explain more deeply the 3 key currencies that assist in growing your business!   Not Giving Yourself 3 Key Currencies to Grow Your Business Is Going to Choke off the...
3 Levels of Creation

3 Levels of Creation

Today I have a special video that I would like to watch, it’s only 10 minutes long, and I explain more deeply the 3 levels of creation outlined in this video.   3 Levels of Creation from Celia Faye Meisel on Vimeo. Apply for Your Free Soul and Strategy...
Behind The Scenes of My Full Moon Releasing Process

Behind The Scenes of My Full Moon Releasing Process

Dear Divine One, This post contains a Bonus Healing Ritual to Release Disempowerment and Victimization, so please read through to the end. As I write this piece of content, we are still in the full moon window of the March 12, 2017 full moon. For the last 20 months, I...
Internal Transformation Creates External Results

Internal Transformation Creates External Results

I believe that internal transformation creates external results. That is why I learned to read and clear the Akashic Records and incorporated Soul-level coaching into my business coaching process. For decades I put unnecessary pressure on myself to be something that I...
Unleash Your Creativity!

Unleash Your Creativity!

When you make a choice to unleash the Divine Creation energy that lives within you, something magical happens! All Divinely aligned creations energize you, and they energize those who experience your creations. Divine Creation energy is revitalizing and regenerating....